Katie Bracher

Portrait Photography.

This is Katie Bracher, owner and founder of Wild Spa Wowo - a wild sauna and retreat space in the heart of the East Sussex countryside. Wild spa WOWO is “a new forest glade spa - a magic space for bathing delights and nature connection” https://www.wildspawowo.co.uk

Katie needed some updated headshots for her socials and website so she came to one of my headshot sessions at Tichbourne Studios in the heart of the North Laines in Brighton. I love shooting at this studio as not only is it central with plenty of parking, it also has a couple of options for shooting which allows me to offer clients a couple of different styles to choose from in one thirty minute session.

In the studio, there’s a full lighting set up, with a selection of different coloured backdrops and outside the studio is a tiled corridor with big window light which gives your portraits a more editorial, contemporary feel.

For the session, you are more than welcome to bring a change of clothes with you as there’s a changing room in the studio. I often get asked by clients, what to wear? My honest opinion is that you should wear something you feel like YOU in. If I had a pound for every time someone says to me “I hate having my picture taken” I'd be a very rich woman! Please know you are not alone! I like to think I create a warm, relaxing atmosphere to work in. I often shoot with music which helps people to relax and open up. If you have any musical preferences that might help you to relax, please just say and I will put it on for you! But honestly, do not worry about having your pic taken. Just leave that to me. 

After the shoot I then send you a proofing gallery of all the images and you choose the images you would like. After some light post-production and cleaning up of the images that you have selected, I then send you your images to download as both high and low res JPEGS - suitable for both print and online. I don’t heavily retouch headshots as I believe you are beautiful just the way you are.

If you would like to keep in the loop as to when i am holding my next headshot session, then please sign up to my newsletter.

I also shoot location portraits too and have lots of good locations.


Family shoots


Brand Photography